This project is maintained by ysykimura
2023年5月9日(火) 15:00~16:30
Classifying subcategories for Noetherian algebras
Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring and A a Noetherian R-algebra. In this talk, we study classification problem of subcategories of modA. In the case where R is a field, there are many studies of subcategories of modA. For a Noetherian algebra case, taking a tensor product of A and the residue field of a prime ideal of R play an important role. Such operation enables us to study subcategories of modA by using results of finite dimensional algebras. As results, we classify torsionfree classes and Serre subcategories of modA, and classify torsion classes for some cases. If A is commutative, our results cover well-known results of commutative rings. This is joint work with Osamu Iyama.