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2024年10月10日(木) 17:30~19:00
i-Siteなんば S1 (およびZoomのハイブリッド形式の予定)
寺田 涼氏(東京理科大学大学院理学研究科数学専攻)
Reflection functors for quiver schemes
This talk is based on joint work with Daisuke Yamakawa. A quiver scheme is an affine scheme introduced by Hausel-Wong-Wyss, based on works of Yamakawa and Geiss-Leclerc-Schröer. It is defined by a pair of a finite quiver and a collection of positive integers indexed by the vertices, which we call quiver with multiplicities. A quiver with multiplicities determines a symmetrizable generalized Cartan matrix. In multiplicity-free case, the matrix is symmetric and the quiver schemes are Nakajima quiver varieties. On the other hand, Nakajima, Lusztig and Maffei introduced reflection functors for Nakajima quiver varieties. In this talk, we construct reflection functors for quiver schemes.