This project is maintained by ysykimura
2020年12月18日(金) 15:00~16:30
村上浩大氏(京都大学 理学研究科)
PBW parametrizations and generalized preprojective algebras
Generalized preprojective algebras are introduced by [Gei\ss-Leclerc-Schr\”oer, 2017], motivated from the study of $q$-characters of Kirillov-Reshetikhin modules in [Hernandez-Leclerc, 2016]. These algebras are defined for symmetrizable GCMs $C$ and their symmetrizers $D$, and their module theoretical concepts often know information about Kac-Moody algebras or their quantum groups associated with $C$. In this talk, we categorify Weyl chambers via module categories of generalized preprojective algebras. Then, we compare some filtrations determined by these chamber structures with combinatorial data from crystal bases of quantum groups for finite symmetrizable cases.