This project is maintained by ysykimura
2019年10月11日(金) 17:30~18:30, 18:45~19:45
I-siteなんば 2F S1 (I-siteなんばへは,地下鉄御堂筋線大国町駅が最寄りです.)
村上浩大氏(京都大学 理学研究科)
On the module categories of preprojective algebras with symmetrizers
In some contexts of representation theories, some quivers with relations have been expected to characterize representation theories associated with non-symply laced Dynkin diagrams. From this viewpoint, Geiss-Leclerc-Schr"oer has introduced some algebras associated with symmetrizable generalized Cartan matrices and its symmetrizers as quivers with relations (That is, a kind of 1-Iwanaga-Gorenstein algebras and its preprojective algebras). In this talk, we review the definitions and basic properties of them. Then, I will explain some structures of module categories of the preprojective algebras from a viewpoint of tilting theory.