This project is maintained by ysykimura
2019年3月1日(金) 17:30~18:30, 18:45~19:45
I-siteなんば 2F S1 (I-siteなんばへは,地下鉄御堂筋線大国町駅が最寄りです.)
The cohomology rings of regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties
Hessenberg varieties are subvarieties of the full flag variety, which were introduced by De Mari-Procesi-Shayman around 1990. They has been studied in many areas of mathematics: algebraic geometry, representation theory, combinatorics and so on. In this talk, I will discuss the cohomology rings of regular nilpotent Hessenberg varieties in all Lie types. In particular, I want to explain generators of the defining ideals and an additive basis of their cohomology rings in terms of the root system. This is joint work with Takahiro Nagaoka, Tatsuya Horiguchi and Akiyoshi Tsuchiya.