This project is maintained by ysykimura
2018年12月14日(金) 17:30~18:30, 18:45~19:45
I-siteなんば 2F S1 (I-siteなんばへは,地下鉄御堂筋線大国町駅が最寄りです.)
Nakashima-Zelevinsky polytopes from convex-geometric Demazure operators
A Nakashima-Zelevinsky polytope is a rational convex polytope whose lattice points give a polyhedral realization of a highest weight crystal basis. This is also identical to a Newton-Okounkov body of a flag variety, and it induces a toric degeneration. In this talk, we give a new construction of a specific class of Nakashima-Zelevinsky polytopes by using Kiritchenko’s Demazure operators on polytopes. From this construction, we see that polytopes in this class have the additivity with respect to the Minkowski sum. We also give a geometric application to the normal toric variety associated with a Nakashima-Zelevinsky polytope.