This project is maintained by ysykimura
2018年11月20日(火) 17:30~18:30, 18:45~19:45
I-siteなんば 2F S1 (I-siteなんばへは,地下鉄御堂筋線大国町駅が最寄りです。)
Preprojective algebras of Dynkin type and two-sided tilting complexes
In this talk, we discuss tilting theory of preprojective algebras of Dynkin type. In the case of non-Dynkin type, we can give a simple and explicit description of two-sided tilting complexes, which provide auto-equivalences of the derived categories. On the other hand, in the case of Dynkin type, tilting theory is more involved and such a description hasn’t been discovered. In this talk, we discuss tilting theory of preprojective algebras of Dynkin type and explain a construction of two-sided tilting complexes.