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2018年4月18日(水) 16:15-17:45
大阪府立大学 なかもずキャンパス A14-321
Martin Herschend氏 (Uppsala University)
Algebras that admit n-cluster tilting subcategories
In higher dimensional Auslander-Reiten theory one replaces the module category of an associative algebra by a subcategory with suitable homological properties. The most standard choice is to consider a so-called n-cluster tilting subcategory. A fundamental question is therefore: which algebras admit an n-cluster tilting subcategory of their module category? Although a definitive answer to this question seems to much to hope for, there are several results on how to obtain such algebras. In my talk I will give a survey of these results with a focus on algebras where an n-cluster tilting subcategory can be described explicitly.